The color of the face is changing or there is swelling…be alert immediately, a heart attack may occur!

The color of the face is changing or there is swelling…be alert immediately, a heart attack may occur!

Pre Heart Attack Signs : Bad food habits and lifestyle are ruining the health of the heart. This has increased the risk of heart disease. Now not only the elderly but also the youth are becoming victims of heart attack. Heart attack occurs when blood circulation in the heart decreases and stops.

Before a heart attack occurs, the body starts giving warning signs. Many people ignore it, which can be dangerous. Signs of heart attack are visible on many parts of the body as well as on the face. If these are identified in time, the danger can be avoided.

5 signs visible on the face before a heart attack

1. Swelling on the face

If someone’s face is swelling without any reason, then one should be alert. This can be a warning sign of a heart attack. When the heart is unable to pump blood properly, fluid starts accumulating in the body, which can cause swelling on the face.

2. Cholesterol accumulation near the eyes

If cholesterol has accumulated under the eyes and near the eyelids, it can be a sign of a heart attack. Light yellow colored substances start accumulating around the eyes. This is also called Xanthelasma. This can prevent blood from reaching the heart, brain and many other organs. This increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

3. Pain in the left side of the face

Pain or numbness in the left side of the face can also be a warning sign of a heart attack. If there is pain and numbness in the left side of the face for a long time, do not ignore it at all. Go and see a doctor immediately.

4. Face turns blue-pale

If the color of the face suddenly turns blue or pale, then these can be symptoms of a heart attack. When the heart is not able to function properly, sufficient oxygenated blood does not reach some parts of the body. This can change the color of the skin. In such a situation, you should go and see a doctor.

5. Cracks in the earlobes

Cracks in the earlobe crease can be a sign of a heart attack. According to a study, earlobe crease is more visible in people with symptoms of heart attack. However, it is not necessarily a sign of a heart attack but one should always consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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